Looking At Lincoln


When thinking of Lincoln I automatically think of the city’s vast heritage and amazing architecture, and so when being challenged to take photos around the city I chose not to take a typical tourist photo of, for example, the Cathedral, but to take something unique and what people may have not noticed before.

The first image I believe explores the connection between architecture and nature. The inter-tangling branches into the Victorian-style arch shows how during urbanisation the conservation of nature was compromised and that vegetation had to adapt to survive. Although the final effect is very beautiful, it still is a small example of a huge global issue about the health of the earth.

The second image reminded me of a quote by Martin Luther King; “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase”. This quote has personally held a lot of inspiration to me in the past and looking at this picture it shows a journey. As we look further up the stairs the lighting shows ‘light and shade’, this represents the positives and negatives of a journey, evidently leading to the ‘light’ at the top.

Anna Starbuck