Reflections after meeting the group

When four of us met on Friday we decided to focus on our repetitive actions which will be performed while the audience is on their audio tour. As I stated in my previous blog post, we wanted some of our performers to blend into the space and not necessarily stand out to the audience members.

Each of us has a given space within the Arboretum where we will have some contact with the audience as they observe or walk past us.

Lee: Plays the essence of a character Henry Hebb who helped design the original cold bath house. Therefore for one of his repetitive actions Lee will be walking around the arboretum looking around the space, then seating himself in different areas in order to draw the cold bath house.

Hayley: Will be a runner who is leisurely jogging around the park at her own pace, who is not concerned with time as she runs. We chose to have Hayley take her time in order to contrast others within the space to show how not everyone is worried about how long everything takes. This links in with one of the monologues which will be spoken while the audience can see the Arboretum as a whole.

Sara: Similarly to Hayley I will also be running but at a faster pace and be constantly checking my watch. Hayley and I will be running the same circuit but at different times and with a different approach. With our constant focus on time and the way some people decide to live their lives ruled by time, we hoped to show this direct contrast by having both Hayley and I doing the same activity with different outcomes and outlooks on the activity itself.

Sarah: Plays the character of a Gardener who has tended to the park for a number of years and was there when the cold bath house still stood. With Sarah’s space being the maze she will be tending to the hedges which make up the maze as her action.

By using these performative actions we hope to reflect how everyone performs daily and by having our group running like clockwork on a constant repetitive cycle, we hope to reflect how time is always an underlying constraint.