Our last rehearsal update.

Our last rehearsal…


Although it has been a trying and often a tiring experience, we are almost at the end. It’s surprising how much work and dedication has been needed in order to create a informative, and instructive audio piece that incorporates the many idea’s that have been re-designed and re-imagined. Also challenges we have faced throughout the devising process. I hope that our concept is well delivered and allows the viewer/listener to engage with the information and experience they are being shown. Our location to has been a challenge, also with the often indiscreet and taboo area it is situated in, we have found that working in these spaces can throw unforeseen circumstances into the mix, as Kaye states “Space, as a practised place, admits of unpredictably.”(Kaye,2000,4) Developing our performance art has also thrown many unanswered questions into our minds, such as “What are wanting our participant to feel and question?” and this has been a constant challenge throughout. We also questioned how the weather would affect our performance,if it would hinder or enhance the final outcome and the activity’s we hope to carry out with success. However with planning and patience, I feel we shall be able to rise to the challenges what ever they may be!

Also due to complications within our audio piece, we were unable to leave the editing room until at least One in the morning. If that’s not true dedication then I don’t know what is.

Kaye, N. (2000) Site-Specific Art. Performance Place And Documentation.

Dealing with creative problems within audio editing.


As with any creative project that demands you rise to whatever challenge may present itself, and I can confirm this has been no expectation to the latter. In the early hours of the night before our final performance while running final checks to ensure all was well, we came up against what seemed to be all manner of problems. Things such as, file extensions, or compatibility issues as well as a total melt-down within the macs we were using to enhance our audio/visual piece. The time now is 04:02in the morning and we are all close to an imminent mental breakdown, however hopefully after the disastrous file mess-up our finished piece will be a success however trying it may be. For future note… Never use a mac when editing audio as they are known to close unexpectedly leaving all of your hard-work lost in the technological abyss, with ridiculously rendering times, that has been a frankly scary and eye-opening experience into the complex world of audio production.

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